
Workshops about photography and filming on 8mm or 16mm cine film we offer again and again - gladly on request. Here you can find upcoming and past workshops.

DRKRM workshops are not only held at Rosenwerk. Among others we were guests at the dresden schmalfilmtage, at the Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem as well as at Dresden University of Fine Arts. In collaboration with Click e.V. Berlin, the DRKRM hosted photo workshops at the analogueNOW! Photoweekend 2021, at the Grassi Museum Leipzig and at the BERLIN PHOTO WEEK 2022.

upcoming workshops:

16. August 2024
copy 16mm film
Dianna Barrie & Richard Tuohy, from the Artist Film Workshop, Melbourneaustralia, are guests in Dresden and will introduce us to the world of film copying. Together with them we will start up our Arri film copying machine and copy black and white and color 16mm film.

10-17 h at the DRKRM

Registration under:

past ..

18. November 2023
Photography: Black and white development
Interested in black and white, but never developed it yourself? In our beginners' course you will learn everything you need to know about enlarging your negatives and about your camera.
11-17 h at the DRKRM

03. June 2023
Filming and tricking with the Bolex
16mm film workshop in cooperation with analogueNOW! as part of the PHOTOWEEKEND 23.
10 am - 4 pm, Genezarethkirche (Berlin-Neukölln)

21. January 2023
Photography: Color development
Fancy some color? Finally develop color photos yourself? Sounds complicated? It's not! We'll show you how!

10. September 2022
Film in black and white
All the basics of working with Super8 and 16mm plus a few tricks on what you can do with cine film.

06. August
Photography: Black and white development
Interested in black and white, but never developed it yourself? In our beginners' course you will learn everything you need to know about your camera.

on request
Yes, yes, so blue blue blue....Cyanotype is a noble printing process in cyon blue tones. This workshop is therefore dedicated to photographic printing entirely in BLUE.

DRKRM to go ..

You have black and white negatives and would like to print photos from them, but unfortunately you can't do this in the DARKROOM, but at home, while traveling or anywhere else?

Then get in touch with us and borrow the DRKRM to go! This practical and mobile set contains everything you need, from enlarger to lighting, from photo paper to chemicals … and instructions are also included. This enables you to make your first print yourself without any previous knowledge.

"This shit is tight! Peace of cake making my very first print by myself! In short: fo sho!" – Julia S. from D

We look forward to your first photos!
Just write to us.

You have questions, your desired workshop is not listed, or you would like to give a workshop as a gift? Then simply write to us at: